The Modern Southern Gentleman

#29 - Stop Undervaluing Yourself with Marc Wolfe

Dee Lauderdale Season 1 Episode 29

What is your immediate reaction to a complement for something you did?

Do you blow it off by saying "it was nothing"? Do wonder why anybody would compliment you for doing something that comes so easily to  you?

If that's you, keep reading.

In this episode, Executive Coach Marc Wolfe is going to show you how to break out of this mindset. A mindset that may be the reason you're stuck in a job you know doesn't make the best use of your abilities. And we all know the frustration and lack of satisfaction that comes from being stuck in that kind of job. 

Pay special attention at 30:40 of the interview when Marc talks about what your life could become if you developed a healthy perspective of your skills and talent.

Click here to learn more or work with Marc.